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Quality Management System ISO 9001




Since the original quality management system standard BS5750, many companies have adopted and implemented a quality management system.


The original benefits were to improve the quality of the products or services being offered to customers.


Whilst the current standard, ISO 9001:2015 should ensure that companies continue to provide quality products or services in a timely manner, the performance of the supplier against the customers requirements is the focus.


Continual improvement to ensure customer retention, cost reduction by virtue of reductions in scrap and waste are the primary objectives of a good system.


We can assist in providing a system to reduce you costs and reduce the amount of time spent correcting errors, misunderstandings and in turn add profit to your bottom line.


The system can either 'Stand Alone' or be part of an integrated system with your Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety and Business Continuity System.


We have experience of writing, implementing and managing systems in Industrial, Manufacturing, Warehousing, Commercial and Service environments.


Quality approvals in addition to ISO 9001 include Tick-It approval for software development companies and systems for UPVC Window manufacture and double sealed unit manufacture to the current British Standards.


ISO 9001:2015 has been published and focus's on Leadership, Customer Service and identifying risks and opportunities for the company.


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